In a recent YouTube video, Twitch streamer Kai Cenat surprised his Aunt Cathy with a generous gift of $20K. For those unaware, Cathy is the same woman that can be seen in Kai's Twitch profile picture. However, the picture was taken when Kai was 13 years old. Kai paid a visit to Aunt Cathy in Boston, offering his fans an opportunity to get acquainted with her.
Although the exact nature of their relationship remains undisclosed, Kai shared that he resided with Aunt Cathy during his childhood and fondly refers to her as his "second mother."
"You deserve it" - Kai Cenat's kind message to Aunt Cathy
Kai Cenat is known to have come from humble beginnings, however, he is currently among the most successful Twitch streamers. In his recent video, he revealed that Aunt Cathy bought him his first laptop, which kickstarted his online and gaming career.
He generously gifted her $20K in cash as a token of appreciation, leaving her pleasantly surprised. He said:
"I really appreciate you and that being said, enough talking, I want you to have 20K dollars. Please take it."(Timestamp: 12:49)
Although Cathy insisted on not taking the hefty amount, Kai reiterated:
"Please take it...I know, but you deserve that. You deserve it. She truly deserves it. She's like a second mom to me and a lot of things you have done for me, I can't even pay it back."On a lighter note, the duo also decided to recreate the display picture on Kai's Twitch stream. They even donned the same clothes as seen in the old photo, adding a fun and nostalgic touch to their bonding experience.
Here's what the fans said
The clip was shared on Twitter, garnering a series of wholesome reactions from the streamer's fans. Here are some of the notable ones:
The video also generated positive comments on YouTube. Here are some of the top ones:
Kai Cenat is now following his regular streaming schedule back at his Atlanta residence. He currently has over 5.8 million followers on Twitch, making him one of the most famous creators on the platform.
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